Kako enostavno načrtovati svetila za vaš dom?

How to easily plan lighting for your home?

Planning and choosing lighting can also be easy. Follow the instructions below and choose your lights in three easy steps.


  1. Make a plan

Measure all the rooms. Calculate the required lighting for each room:

  • Calculate the volume of the room - Width x length x height = xxxm3 (Primer 4m x 4m x 2,5m)
  • Multiply the resulting area xxm3 by the ceiling height and a factor of 100 (40  x 100)
  • The result tells you the required total number of lm lumens of all lamps to illuminate your room. (4000lm)


  1. Choose a style

Your lamps can be modern, antique, traditional, industrial or completely customized. Stick to one style and be bold.


  1. Choose the type of lamps

Use all three types of lighting in each room: ambient, work and general.

Ambient lights conjure up a pleasant atmosphere by lighting individual objects, walls, bookshelves and maybe even decorations. Work lights provide enough light for reading, working or creating. General lamps are usually ceiling-mounted, which provide light for everyday general use.


You can see all the lamps at our website. If you need help, feel free to contact us via contact form.

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